Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope that everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. Right now I am sitting on the couch watching a movie and the fire in the fire place, sitting beside our very good smelling Christmas tree. We just had a great dinner of the left overs from yesterday and they were just as good today as yesterday.
After a good afternoon of doing a little black Friday shopping it is nice to come home and relax.

No to get up tomorrow and hopefully put in a few more miles to take care of the extra turkey that I ate yesterday. And then of course enjoy the great football on tomorrow.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Endurance Racing

So with my weekend cyclocross race chances at an end I was happy to see today that DORBA ( Dallas mountain biking group) has decided to grow their frozen four hour series to three six hour races. I have not done any 6 hour races since I moved from North Carolina and to be honest I have only ridden my mountain bike twice since I have moved to Texas. I am really excited about the series and the first race is scheduled for 12/13 so I guess it is time to hop back on the bike and try to find some form. Hopefully the last three weeks of time off the bike will have been a nice "rest" and allow me to still have some legs so that I can actually do the first race in the series.

I may have missed the big cross races but endurance mountain bike races will be a nice way to start back with some winter base miles for this next season.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Cyclocross weekends

OK so wouldn't you know it. Last weekend 2 cross races in Dallas. This weekend 2 cross races in Ft. Worth. All part of the Texas cyclocross race series that has stops in Austin and Huston. So it would make sense that I would get sick last weekend and not be able to race and now on Friday I am starting to feel better but after two weeks of not riding my registration fee would simply be a nice donation to the cause. While I don't mind not winning a race I at least like to go into a race knowing that I have a chance to not finish last. Given my lack of a true cyclocross bike (have to use my hardtail mountain bike for now) and the probable lack of legs it looks like I will be leaving the cross racing for me to just some weekday training races that I can catch once classes are over in a week or so. That and the good Belgium beer I have waiting in the fridge. MMMM Delirium Nocturnum......MMMMMM.

Maybe next cross season will be better. Now accepting cyclocross bike sponsorship (ie. bike donations). :)

It is nice to have my wife back in town after a long 10 days of being out of town for work. We all missed her (me and the four legged crew).

Monday, November 3, 2008


So I recently started doing some serious (or at least pretty serious) swimming. I actually got a real swimming suit (nike jammers) and goggles and set a weekly swimming time.

At first I could only make it to the end of the pool before I had to take a break. Then I could do a full lap without stopping.

Well last week I hit a new mark. I swam a full mile without stopping at all. I was pretty tired at the end but very happy that I had made it!

So what is the next mark- 1.5 miles, 2 miles? or just faster?