Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fall 2009- Here goes nothing

The next few months are going to be very busy and it's not like things up to this point have been calm and slow. This semester I still have a lot to get done and if I want to graduate in May or August deadlines are fast approaching. So I could simply bury myself in work and make things a little easier but then I would miss out on all of the wonderful things that life has to offer. I figure that having a plate full of work, life, and family stuff will make life a little crazy but worth all of the trouble! So what am I doing over the next few months? I figured that I would be better off if I share my plans and goals with everyone and update folks along the way so that I can get harassed by everyone if I start to not meet all of them. I will break my goals up into school (work), riding, and family goals to keep it clear.

School goals
-       Finish at least 3 studies
-       Finish and submit 3 papers to journals (for my remaining coursework)
-       Comps???
            - Actually get on my bike and ride
- Ramp up my mileage and follow a training plan (get in some 100 mile rides on the weekends)
- Be in shape by the time spring riding season starts so that I am keeping up with all of my racing friends.
-Finally lose the weight that I have been working to lose for the last 2 years
-       Spend time with my wife, dogs, and cats!
-       Actually update this blog a few times a week rather than once a month!

Yes I am trying to take a page out of the fatcyclist.com book but it seems to have worked for him. By the way if you have not visited the fatcyclist blog it is a must for all cyclists out there.

Wish me luck, harass me, but hopefully I can get it all done asap!

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