Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Light at the end of the tunnel

So on the first Wednesday in many weeks I had time to ride today but of course the forcast was for some nasty storms so I figured that staying in and finishing up some stuff from the semester was the best bet and of course no rain has come and I would have had time to ride. I guess from now on when debating the answer is always to ride. Rain or Shine.

Atleast the semester is almost over and the number of things that I have to do are much lower. In fact at this point the majority of my big tasks are at the point that I just need to put some finishing touches on three projects and I will only have two finals left! 7 classes left for me to attend until I am only on the other side of the class (teaching that is) and getting paid to be in a classroom!

In addition to the end of the semester coming soon I only have a week and 2 days until two studies that I am running are complete. If things work out then the last two years of work will all pay off. If not then we will see. Maybe some exploratory work will provide some publishable material when standard analyses have not.

Plus at the end of the semester I get to head to NC and see some old friends. With the little amount of riding I have done lately I have a feeling my friends are going to make me pay for it.

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