Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Up and down

A few weeks ago I had put together a great training plan and was ready to get serious about training for the season (Yeah I am a little late). Of course at that point my son got a nasty stomach bug. While we typically encourage sharing we are working on keeping somethings to ourselves. Specifically illness. We would like to be able to keep him from sharing any illness with us but he really likes to share. So both Nici and I ended up coming down with the stomach bug. I don't know if either Nici or I have been that sick in a couple of decades. It was BAD! It actually knocked us out for three days or so. I managed to make it to campus to teach but that was about it. While there was a lot less walking around the lecture hall I teach in and a lot more using the podium to stay upright class went pretty well.

The oddest thing about that week was that while we were all feeling so horrible I kept getting really good news. Had we not been sick it might have been one of the best weeks in a while. My IRB approval for my dissertation was approved and I was able to start collecting data full force (thanks to some great undergraduate RA's). I got some good news on the job front and Connor got over his illness pretty quickly.

It was a very odd week with the extreme positive and negative emotions but the positive certainly outweighed the negatives.

Now to get my data collected quickly and get back to training. My first race of the year is this weekend. WOW how did that get here so quickly????

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who knew that life in the texas hill country would have so much topography (pun entirely intended). Glad you're feeling better.